Season 1

The series revolves around the exciting adventures of 15 year-old Leonardo da Vinci, during the thrilling phase of his life he spent in Florence under the rule of the Medici family.

It’s a time where there is a great surge in the arts, in finance, and in creativity, and Leo can’t help but thrive in this environment. He pursues painting and sculpture at Andrea del Verrocchio’s workshop, and in the Maestro’s atelier he meets the young painters who will make Renaissance history.

Meanwhile, in his secret laboratory beneath the city, Leo manages to work on creating his “fantastic inventions”, which will always be tested quite reluctantly by his friend Lollo.
The young genius also experiences his first crush while trying to win the heart of Lisa, who often ends up being cleverer than he is.

In Florence, Leo becomes friends with Lorenzo de’ Medici who will later be known as “the Magnificent”. It’s up to our hero and his friends to save Lorenzo and family from the dangerous endeavors of a mysterious conspirator, who wants to gain control of the city. The conspirator is helped by a motley crew of hapless pirates, who are about as fierce as they are incompetent.

The series is based on the award-winning feature film “Leo da Vinci – Mission Mona Lisa” released worldwide in 2018/2019.

LEO DA VINCI, a must-see series full of adventure, with a pinch of comedy and a splash of romance!



5-9-year olds

3D CGI Animation

Sergio Manfio

Francesco Manfio – Gruppo Alcuni; Cecilia Quattrini – RAI Ragazzi; Patricia Vasapollo – HR – Hessischer Rundfunk; Anish JS Mehta – Cosmos Animation Singapore Ltd; Aymeric Contat Desfontaines – All Rights Entertainment

Sergio Manfio and Francesco Manfio, with the collaboration of Davide Stefanato, Anna Manfio, Mike de Seve and Jesse Nicholas

Sergio Manfio, Marco Fedalto

Production status

Release date:

Italian, German, English, Greek, Polish, Hungarian, Russian

Gruppo Alcuni, Cosmos Maya, All Rights Entertainment

A co-production between Gruppo Alcuni, RAI Ragazzi, Hessischer Rundfunk (Germany), Cosmos Maya Animation Singapore, and All Rights Entertainment (France)